When I first saw the complete collection of Elektor back-issues was €70 (plus the £7.00 shipping charge they don't tell you about until checkout) I thought it looked expensive. I ordered it because I loved Elektor in the 80's when I was heavily into electronics and computing, so you could say nostalgia got the better of me.
The package duly arrived just as I was leaving for a few days with my daughter. Luckily I had my new tablet with me and the case of various USB leads and adapters which I always carry.
Being away from home meant I would have plenty of time to view my purchase and at least appreciate what I had bought ... 40+ years of memories, thousands of projects (some of which I had built) those **** curvy printed circuit layouts, (some of which I etched), absolute sheer magic.
And then the power supply collection was just the icing on the cake 🎂.
It's not a rip-off, it's a BARGAIN.
Thank you Elektor for reviving my love of electronics ❤️